The first phase of CTAP in Cameroon was carried out in 2021 and  it documented the state of health facilities and evaluated the government’s response to the coronavirus pandemic as well as the distribution of vaccines across the national territory to immunise the population. ADE leveraged Follow The Money (FTM) Cameroon platforms to address the deep-rooted systemic culture of profit associated with COVID-19 interventions and ineffective feedback mechanisms to track disbursements and management of COVID-19 funds. The first phase also strengthened civic engagement on issues related to the COVID-19 response to ensure that targeted governments are effectively using COVID-19 funds.

ADE  also  tracked the state of primary healthcare centres and vaccine distribution in 5 regions of Cameroon (Centre, North West, Far North, East and South) and assessed 19 Primary Healthcare Centres (PHCs), if they actually met the standard of operations. Findings were used through infographics and social media platforms to amplify the state of the Primary Health Care System in Cameroon. ADE launched the CTAP project in Cameroon in February 2021 and has since convened a diverse range of relevant  stakeholders  multiple times to facilitate collaborative action for improving the state of Covid transparency in the context.

After two months of fieldwork and data analysis, ADE through Follow the Money Cameroon noticed that 63,15% of healthcare centres of the 19 PHCs visited do not meet the basic criteria for the creation of healthcare centres in Cameroon. The data collected from 19 PHCs showed that PHCs are highly understaffed, the centres lack sufficient laboratory equipment in terms of both quantity and quality, they lack both qualified personnel and appropriate equipment for the administration of vaccines.


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