Actions for Development and Empowerment (ADE) is a non-profit, grassroots, and youth-driven organisation founded in 2019 with the aim of empowering young people to act around issues that affect their lives and play an active role in the development process, thereby creating positive change in their communities and Africa at large. ADE's work also redresses the absence of avenue citizens, especially youth, to hold the government accountable to its service-delivery obligations through informed demands. To achieve its vision and missions, ADE undertakes action-oriented research, administrative and legal as-sistance, and advocacy to effectively implement regulations, laws and policy reforms. ADE has members in all ten regions of Cameroon. ADE believes it can grow to provide a platform and civic space where young people set the agenda and brainstorm on the issues that affect education, employment and job creation in Africa. It also proposes tailored solutions with capacity building, partnership and advocacy as key drivers.


Our Vision

We envision a world where all people – even in Africa’s most remote areas- are equipped and inspired to improve their livelihood and realise the future they want.


Our Mission

To build democracy through activism, education, empowerment and collaboration in Africa.

Our Focus Areas

Democracy and good governance

Sustainable development goals education

Girls child education

Contact us

+237 679 721 601

Social networks

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