Gouvernance de l’eau et bien être des citoyens de la ville de Bertoua : cas des communes de Bertoua 1er et de Bertoua 2e

Bien plus que l’argent, c’est la confiance qui manque le plus aujourd’hui pour combler le gigantesque fossé qui existe entre une offre technique professionnelle limitée aux plus riches et la demande d’alimentation en eau potable des moins nantis. Dans la région de l’Est, l’accès aux systèmes d’approvisionnement en eau potable paraît sélectif au regard des […]

Cameroon CTAP II – Country Specific Health Sector Accountability Report

The study evaluates the political economy of healthcare delivery in Cameroon, highlighting its governance architecture and failures, the interests and incentives of stakeholders, financing and accountability patterns and gaps, systemic challenges, and snapshot of citizens’ perception of healthcare access and quality. Commissioned under the COVID-19 Transparency and Accountability Project (CTAP). This was a mixed study […]

Election Observation

The 2023 Presidential Elections in Nigeria Through the deployment of Uzabe and 20,000 observers, ADE partnered with Connected development and other CSOs to observe the process and conduct of elections in 1.2 % of polling units across two states; the Kogi State and the federal capital territory state in the federal republic of Nigeria.

The Covid 19 Transparency and Accountability Project, CTAP 1,2&3

CTAP phase 1, 2 & 3 focused on strengthening health sector accountability, primary healthcare service delivery and immunization coverage across 7 regions of Cameroon. The first phase of CTAP in Cameroon was carried out in 2021 and  documented the state of health facilities and evaluated the government’s response to the coronavirus pandemic as well as […]