About Us

Actions for Development and Empowerment (ADE) is a non-profit, grassroots, and youth-driven organisation founded in 2019 with the aim of empowering young people to act around issues that affect their lives and play an active role in the development process, thereby creating positive change in their communities and Africa at large. ADE’s work also redresses the absence of avenue citizens, especially youth, to hold the government accountable to its service-delivery obligations through informed demands. To achieve its vision and missions, ADE undertakes action-oriented research, administrative and legal as-sistance, and advocacy to effectively implement regulations, laws and policy reforms. ADE has members in all ten regions of Cameroon.

ADE believes it can grow to provide a platform and civic space where young people set the agenda and brainstorm on the issues that affect education, employment and job creation in Africa. It also proposes tailored solutions with capacity building, partnership and advocacy as key drivers.

Our Mission

To build and promote good governance, democratic principles, and empower communities through research, advocacy, and capacity development.

Our Vision

We envision a world where all people – even in Africa’s most remote areas- are equipped and inspired to improve their livelihood and realise the future they want.

Our values

Our Focus Areas

Good Governance and Democracy

ADE has been at the forefront championing good democratic values and governance mechanisms through the FollowTheMoney initiative and her projects such as the Covid-19 Transparency and Accountability project (CTAP), Eau Pour Tous, Know Your Government, Know your Budget ,Health Security Finance Accountability and My Vote, My Voice. These initiatives have permitted ADE to gather citizens' perception on issues such as access to primary health care, access to portable water while sensitising Cameroonian youths to take interest in matters of governance such as knowing the governing body, knowing how state budgets are voted and engaging in electoral processes through online and onsite campaigns.

Sustainable Development Goals

At ADE, we make conscious efforts to push the 17 SDG goals by carrying out projects and activities that impact them. Some of these initiatives are; Media for Climate Action, Plogging, One Pad, One Smile Campaign, GBV Activism and SDG School Tour.

Peace and Security

ADE contributes to peace and security in Cameroon by building the capacity of youth leaders and community mobilizers to be better equipped to challenge extremism and promote social harmony. Through education, advocacy, and community involvement with initiatives such as the National Youth Forum for peace.

Our Objectives

Promote democratic principles, good governance and social cohesion.
Empower youth and vulnerable women
Promote peace, security and stability across Cameroon and Africa at large.
Alleviate poverty across Cameroon and Africa at large
Work with relevant national and international partners in the eradication of preventable diseases and the promotion of good health
Fight climate change

Our impacts in numbers

Mobilised young people in 5 regions  to use digital tools for social accountability and to track COVID Funds Tracked USD 391.7 million COVID Funds in Cameroon

Community champions
Community reach
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Online and on-site reach
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Our Partners