Covid-19 Transparency and Accountability Project
Project Summary
Haven passed through three stages, the panafrican project; CTAP sought to strengthen civic engagement on issues related to the COVID-19 response to ensure that targeted governments are effectively using COVID-19 funds during phase I. In line with this, ADE tracked the state of primary healthcare centres and vaccine distribution in 5 regions of Cameroon (Centre, North West, Far North, East and South) and assessed 19 Primary Healthcare Centres (PHCs.
After taking note of the irregularities during CTAP phase I; Mismanagement of funds, shortcomings in the health system ( no access to potable water, no alternative sources of electricity, no laboratories, doctors absent from their place
of service, poor management of vaccines, no toilet separating men and women etc,) and the Mismanagement of health Services, phase II focused on advocacy with national governance stakeholders to promote best practices in health sector management. It also took into consideration citizens’ perceptions of modern health care which revealed the practices and behaviours of Cameroonian citizens in the health sector: 53% of the target population of research had access to modern health services, 92% was in favour of the establishment of a health insurance system, 92% said they use traditional medicine and only 49% regularly use the public health system.
CTAP phase III launched in 2023 focused on spurring conversations on vaccine equity and the performance of the Expanded Programme on Immunization (EPI) in strengthening immunisation coverage. It also dealt with sensitization of the Cameroonian population in partnership with the ministry of Public Health (MINSANTE) on the importance of vaccination. In this light, Actions for Development and Empowerment organised meetings with health personnel (Expanded program on Immunization, EPI Focal points) from two regions ( South West and West regions ), community town hall meetings in five regions (South West, North West, Far North, Centre and West) in order to promote conversations about vaccine equity, distribution, hesitancy and government commitment to the health sector.
Lastly, during this phase of the project market sensitization campaigns were carried out in Buea, South West, Mfou, Centre region, Mora, Far North and Bamenda I, North West Region by ADE team, volunteers and EPI agents to educate the population on the importance of vaccination, the different vaccines available at health districts and vaccination campaigns ongoing for children, women and men in their regions in particular and Cameroon in general.